The July 19, 2024 issue of The Standard includes the sixth annual salute to women in the New England insurance industry. The issue features many women who are in leadership positions at local agencies, associations and carriers and asks them to tell their stories of how they found their way into the industry and key lessons they have learned along the way. 

How did you get your start in the in­surance industry? I saw an ad in the newspaper for a position at SIAA and decided to give it a try. I had worked at a local bank for almost 15 years and was overseeing a compliance division specific to the Patriot Act. I remember wanting a change and having some hes­itation crossing over to the insurance world. I pushed myself to apply and have been at SIAA for 14 years. It’s the shove I needed to get myself out of my comfort zone.

What career challenges have you faced and overcome? Not having any insurance background, I faced a lot of challenges. Initially learning the insur­ance terminology, performance metrics and all the nuances was somewhat in­timidating. However, I had some great mentors that helped me along my jour­ney. I am where I am today because of great leadership. I was fortunate enough to be given many learning opportuni­ties, and I made an effort to capitalize on each one that came my way.

What has been your most important business lesson? Taking ownership of my own mistakes, triumphs and skillset. If we don’t speak up and ad­vocate for ourselves, then we can become complacent. I never wanted to be a stale piece of toast! This atti­tude provided great returns by making me valuable and relatable in every opportunity.

Read the full article, featuring Kimberly Fontaine, Director, Insurance Portfolio Management at SIAA, published July 19, 2024 in The Standard. Reprinted with permission from The Standard, Copyright 2024, Standard Publishing Corporation, Boston, MA. All rights reserved.