Episode 29: How’s Your Website Really Doing?

July 2, 2024

Your agency’s website is not something you can “set and forget”. It’s a critical component of your online identity and should work with the other components of your online strategy to represent your agency well, generate leads, and service your existing clients.

It’s important to make sure that your website is working within the existing Google criteria for search (which most of the other, less prominent, search engines use as well). Further, it should confirm the data contained in your Google Business Profile.

Join James Amezcua, Sales Director at Lift Local, and SIAA’s Chief Marketing Officer, Doug Coombs, for a discussion that stresses the importance of an up-to-date website and the current criteria to be “found” by Google search engines. If you don’t have a grasp of that criteria, it’s difficult to make sure your website is actually optimized for search.

James provides some insights into the key components of search engine optimization (SEO) today, as well as the importance of keeping your Google Business Profile current.

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